Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen

child rights

BLOG: May 10th is the Norwegian national foster home day. Congratulations to all foster home families. They are societies everyday […]
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BLOG: There has been a significant reduction in child protection help and interventions towards children and families in vulnerable situations […]
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Public seminar on the NOU-report about rule of law in the Norwegian child protection systemFriday 14th of April, at 2pm, […]
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Barn har rett på informasjon om saker som gjelder dem, og det må være tilpasset informasjon. Skivenes-utvalget som har levert […]
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I en av de aller første undersøkelsene til dags dato om barns erfaring med familieveiledning som hjelpetiltak, viser rapporten «Må […]
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NEW ARTICLE: In the largest study to date of citizens views on the situation for children growing up in long […]
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VIDEO: The government has set up the Public Expert Committee, which will assess measures to strengthen legal safeguards in all […]
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NEW ARTICLE: The authors of this article examine whether and how children at the centre of child protection removal decisions […]
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NEW ARTICLE: In this recently published article in the Journal of Social Work,[1] PhD fellow Ida B. Juhasz (DIPA, UiB) […]
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NEW ARTICLE:Researcher Audun Løvlie (UiB) evaluates how decision-makers in the Norwegian County Social Welfare Board consider disciplinary evidence in child […]
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