Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen

Literature update

NEW ARTICLE: Bilal Hassan (Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen) published a new article on […]
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NEW ARTICLE: PhD Fellow Frøydis Lønborg Haarberg published a scoping review on children’s representation in child protection decisions in the […]
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of recently published articles of interest.
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LITERATURE OVERVIEW: See our list of articles of interest from November.
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