Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen


BLOG: Reflexivity is key throughout the research process. Here are some questions to get started.  Blogpost by: Dr. Francesca Vaghi, […]
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BLOG: Finland is becoming increasingly diverse. But is the Finnish social field equipped to meet children of diverse backgrounds? Blogpost […]
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BLOG: Forces in the U.S. are calling for the abolition of the child protection system. Could Europe be next? Blog […]
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BLOG: Children and parents subjected to state interventions experience significant disruption in their lives. They may face many challenges, such […]
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BLOG: Differences in Europe on what are important values and norms for children and families that are in child protection […]
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BLOG: One of the most interesting – albeit challenging – parts of researching child marriage in Brazil is recognizing the […]
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BLOG: There has been a shift in many post-Soviet countries’ efforts to improve the protection of children’s rights in child […]
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Blog post by Ann Kristin Larsgaard, Associate Professor in Pedagogy, University of Southeast Norway Sølvi Lillejord, Professor Emeritus in Pedagogy, […]
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BLOG: Fulfilling children´s right to participate and be involved in complex settings such as hospital treatment, child protection, court proceedings, […]
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BLOG: May 10th is the Norwegian national foster home day. Congratulations to all foster home families. They are societies everyday […]
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