Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen


BLOG: Fulfilling children´s right to participate and be involved in complex settings such as hospital treatment, child protection, court proceedings, […]
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BLOG: May 10th is the Norwegian national foster home day. Congratulations to all foster home families. They are societies everyday […]
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BLOG: There has been a significant reduction in child protection help and interventions towards children and families in vulnerable situations […]
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BLOG: How can we help parents and children to reunify after a child protection removal of a child? Sadly, very […]
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BLOG: In Australia there is developed a comprehensive set of tools to facilitate and ensure positive, safe and child-centred relationships […]
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BLOG: A study of seven European jurisdictions shows that overall, the child is not visible in the court’s justifications. Is […]
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BLOG: Those that challenge state authority – The critics of the welfare state and the child protection system are diverse with […]
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BLOG: Is there a solution to secure equal justice for children in child protection? Yes, we can look to the […]
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BLOG: An Institute for Family and Demography could possess legal authority to intervene directly into divorce and child custody proceedings […]
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BLOG: U.S federal law make the parents pay for foster care. The intention is to make foster care shorter – […]
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