Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen

Professor Marit Skivenes presents NOU 2023: 7 on rule of law in the Norwegian child protection system

Monday 20th of March, Marit Skivenes, professor at the Department of Government and head of the Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism, delivered the NOU 2023: 7 “Trygg barndom, sikker fremtid” (Safe childhood, secure future) to Minister of Children and Families, Kjersti Toppe (SP).

The launch of the report is recorded and can be viewed here.

The “Skivenes-Committee” was appointed by the government in March 2021 to investigate measures to strengthen the due process and rule of law in all parts of the child protection system. The expert group had 14 members and details about the working processes can be found at the homepage of the committee (in Norwegian) here.

In total there are 118 suggestions for improvements. A summary of the report in English can be found here.

The report received attention in the major news outlets, such as NRK, VG, Aftenposten. Some of the articles and recordings can be found below (all in Norwegian):




NRK Radio Dagsnytt 18 (about 14 mins into the recording)

NRK TV main news (segment 12 in the recording)

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