Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen


NEW ARTICLE: Postdoctoral Fellow Hege Beate Stein Helland has published her article on child rights in the prestigious journal International […]
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BLOG: Children and parents subjected to state interventions experience significant disruption in their lives. They may face many challenges, such […]
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NEW ARTICLE from our former DIPA-team member, Dr. Bilal Hassan in the Economic and Industrial Democracy. Hassan investigates whether workplace […]
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NEW ARTICLE in the prestigious Journal of Social Policy: PhD candidate Mathea Loen and Professor Marit Skivenes finds that a […]
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VIDEO: dr. Kenneth Burns, dr. Fiachra Ó’Súilleabháin and MA Olwen Halvey have presented an outline of initial findings when it […]
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På fredagens barnevernfrokost presenteres resultater fra en av de første studiene om netthets av barnevernsarbeidere. Tre eksperter fra Irland, dr. […]
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NEW ARTICLE: Professor Marit Skivenes (UiB) and Professor Emeritus Rami Benbenishty (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar Ilan University) finds […]
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NEW ARTICLE: Examining public attitudes towards parental freedoms in cases of risk to the child, Professor Jill D. Berrick (UC […]
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BLOG: Those that challenge state authority – The critics of the welfare state and the child protection system are diverse with […]
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NEW ARTICLE: In this article,[1] Professor Marit Skivenes explores cross-country variation of population views on the thresholds of child protection […]
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