Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen

Visiting Scholar Program

NEWS: The Centre will continue the visiting scholar program in 2020-21. The program is now also open for  Norwegian researchers.

Since the launch of the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism in 2017, scholar from various countries across the globe have been invited to Bergen as guest researchers.

The aim of the program is to bring talented young researchers and excellent senior researchers to Bergen to share knowledge and collaborate on research within the fields of discretion, paternalism, child welfare, and children’s rights.

Visiting scholar Rami Benbenishty, September 2019.

The Centre will continue this program in the coming years. New from 2020 is also the opportunity to host researchers from Norwegian universities and research institutions, due to additional funding provided by the Norwegian Research Council.

– The visiting scholar program has been a great success, and I encourage scholars interested in the topics we work with at our Centre to contact us, says director Marit Skivenes.

You can read more about the visiting scholar program here.

PHOTO: Olive Dwan

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