Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen


The Ministry of Children and Families of Norway (Det kongelige barne- og familiedepartement) published a new law report titled “Consultation […]
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Our “Breakfast Seminar for practitioners” (Barnevernfrokost) is a video seminar which aims to communicate important research to professionals and students […]
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NEW ARTICLE: Postdoctoral Fellow Hege Beate Stein Helland has published her article on child rights in the prestigious journal International […]
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NEW ARTICLE: Do people’s core values explain their views on child protection position interventions? This is studied in the recent […]
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BLOG: May 10th is the Norwegian national foster home day. Congratulations to all foster home families. They are societies everyday […]
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BLOG: There has been a significant reduction in child protection help and interventions towards children and families in vulnerable situations […]
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Public seminar on the NOU-report about rule of law in the Norwegian child protection systemFriday 14th of April, at 2pm, […]
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VIDEO: Professor Kirsten Sandberg gave a lecture on reunification after ECtHR judgments. In several articles, Professor Sandberg analyzed the legal […]
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VIDEO: The government has set up the Public Expert Committee, which will assess measures to strengthen legal safeguards in all […]
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BLOG: How can we help parents and children to reunify after a child protection removal of a child? Sadly, very […]
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