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RDV: Children’s participation in child protection: international research and practical applications (Katrin Križ & Mimi Petersen)

23. September 2021 @ 14:15 - 15:45

Katrin Križ & Mimi Petersen:
Children’s participation in child protection: International research and practical applications

Katrin Križ is Professor of Sociology at Emmanuel College in Boston, and research associate at the DIPA Centre, as well as research affiliate at the Center on Law and Social Transformation. In her research she has compared child welfare systems in an international context and studied migrant education and poverty alleviation policy in the United States. Her most recent research focuses on the role of professional discretion in decisions related to a child’s best interests in several EU countries. Križ has written a number of articles on child right issues and welfare, and contributed to the new book by Pösö, Skivenes & Thoburn (2021) on the topic of adoption from care in an international perspective. Recently Križ has worked on an upcoming book titled «Children and Young People’s Participation in Child Protection: International Research and Practical Applications: International Research and Practical Applications», co-edited with Mimi Petersen. https://www.emmanuel.edu/academics/our-faculty/katrin-kriz.html

Mimi Petersen is a Lecturer in Social Work at the University College Copenhagen.  Her research interests include children and young people’s rights, vulnerable children, social conditions and identity formation. She is currently working as a PI on the project “Nordisk Netværk for børns ret til involvering” [Nordic Network for children’s’ right to involvement]. Petersen has written a number of articles on children and young people’s rights and issues, and has contributed to several books on the topic. Petersen is co-editor and contributes to multiple chapters in the upcoming book on children’s participation in child protection together with Križ. She also recently co-edited a book with Ida Kornerup on the topic of children’s rights and participation in professional practice. https://www.ucviden.dk/da/persons/mimi-petersen


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The webinar is part of the RDV seminar series – a collaboration between the Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (UiB) and the Center for Law and Social Transformation – Lawtransform (UiB/CMI).


23. September 2021
14:15 - 15:45
Event Category:


Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism
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