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Interest groups recognition in the European Parliament

DIPA-room (17.112), Christies gate 17, University of Bergen Christies gate 17, Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Interest groups recognition in the European Parliament Raimondas Ibenskas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Politics, University […]

Norsk barnevern i menneskerettighetsdomstolen

Litteraturhuset Østre Skostredet 5-7, Bergen, Norge

Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen slo nylig fast at Norge har krenket retten til familieliv i en sak om tvangsadopsjon av et […]

Online Media and the Democracy

DIPA-room (17.112), Christies gate 17, University of Bergen Christies gate 17, Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Research group seminar with presentation from Hallvard Moe. "Deliberative systems theory and citizens’ use of online media: testing a critical theory […]

Webinar: Barn i lock-down

Barn i lock-down: Utfordrer korona-tiltakene barns rettigheter? Korona-utbruddet har store konsekvenser, og ikke minst for barn. Med stengte skoler og […]