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Seminar: Child Protection Decisions

We kindly ask you to submit your papers no later than 24. October. Papers should be submitted to the folder “Bergen 2019\Papers” (contact Daniel.Nygard@uib.no if you have not received access to this folder).

Preliminary program

Format for paper discussions: Max. 15 min presentation, approx. 30 min feedback and discussions. Two main commentators are assigned to each paper, and will start the discussion.

We will have small coffee breaks in all sessions.

If you have any questions or comments to the program, please contact Daniel.Nygard@uib.no

Thursday (Oct 31st)

@Social Science Faculty, Fosswinckels gate 6 (9th floor)

9.00 – 12.30: Session 1 (Child Protection Interventions and Proceedings)
Session moderator: Marit Skivenes

  • Welcome – Marit Skivenes
  • Hege Helland: Judging the Best Interest of the Child: Justifying Adoptions Without Parental Consent in the Norwegian Supreme Court. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Samantha Ashenden & Asgeir Falch-Erikssen.
  • Ida Juhasz: Assessing future risk in newborn child removals. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Tarja Pösö & Sagrario Segado.
  • Audun Løvlie: Expert evidence in child protection judgements. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Jill Berrick & Katrin Kriz
  • Barbara Ruiken: Discretionary evaluation of risk and protective factors in newborn care order decisions. (*Paper idea presentation*)

12.30 – 13.30: Lunch

13.30 – 16.00: Session 2 (International Human Rights and the ECtHR)
Session moderator: Barbara Ruiken

  • Marit Skivenes / Jenny Krutzinna / Katre Luhamaa: Child’s right to family life. Judgements from the ECtHR. (*Short presentation of accepted article*).
  • Samantha Ashenden: ECtHR decisions concerning international surrogacy. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Karl Harald Søvig & Katre Luhamaa.
  • Katre Luhamaa: International human rights law regulation of adoption. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Karl Harald Søvig & Thomas Meysen.
  • Karl Harald Søvig: ECtHR judgement on Strand Lobben vs Norway – Impact for Norwegian Child Protection cases (*Short presentation*)

@Litteraturhuset, Østre Skostredet 5

18.00: Public event
Norsk barnevern i menneskerettighetsdomtolen (Norwegian Child Protection in the ECtHR)

20.00: Business dinner

Friday (Nov 1st)

@Social Science Faculty, Fosswinckels gate 6 – etasje

10.00 – 13.30: Session 3 (Adoptions from care)
Session moderator: Ida Juhasz

  • Marit Skivenes: The hidden proceedings – An analysis of accountability of child protection adoption proceedings in eight European jurisdictions. (*Short presentation of accepted article*).
  • Tarja Pösö: Book project on adoption in 9 countries (*Short project presentation*)
  • Katrin Kriz: Adoptions in Austria. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Hege Helland & Thomas Meysen.
  • Tarja Pöso: Adoptions in Finland. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Katre Luhama & June Thoburn.
  • Marit Skivenes & Hege Helland: Adoptions in Norway (Paper)
    Main commentators: Barbara Ruiken & Jill Berrick.
  • Thomas Meysen: Adoptions in Germany. (*Short paper idea presentation*)

13.30 – 14.30 (15.30): Lunch

Walk in the park or visit to Munch exhibition at KODE 2 and 3 (optional) 

15.30 – 17.15: Session 4 (Adoptions from care)
Session moderator: Hege Helland

  • June Thoburn: Adoptions in England. (Paper)
    Main commentator: Ida Juhasz & Sagrario Segado.
  • Jill Berrick: Adoptions in the US. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Hasan Baniamin & Katrin Kriz.
  • Sagrario Segado: Adoptions in Spain. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Audun Løvlie & Asgeir Falch-Erikssen

@Lysverket, Rasmus Meyers allé 9 (KODE 4)

18.00: Dinner at Lysverket restaurant

Saturday (Nov 2nd)

@Social Science Faculty, Fosswinckels gate 6

9.00 – 12.30: Session 5 (Child Protection Interventions and Proceedings)
Session moderator: Audun Løvlie

  • Marit Skivenes: Children’s participation in adoption proceedings (*Short presentation of accepted article*)
  • Jenny Krutzinna: “Creating family” in adoption from care. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Tarja Pösö & Samantha Ashenden
  • Asgeir Falch-Eriksen: Child´s best interests revisited. Deciding to protect an infant. (Paper)
    Main commentators: Jill Berrick & June Thoburn.
  • Jenny Krutzinna: Population views on restriction of freedom of vulnerable mothers of newborns (*Short paper idea presentation)

@Godt Brød – Café Christie, Muséplassen 3

12.30 – 13.30: Lunch

Departures / enjoying Bergen / the movies / etc….

Airport and Hotel

From Bergen Airport Flesland there are three options to get to the city Centre.

  • Bergen Light Rail (40 min). The light rail departs from the terminal building every 5 minutes. You can buy tickets on the ticket machine at the airport. From the light rail stop Byparken (terminal stop) it is a 3 min walk to the hotel.
  • Airport bus (25 min). The bus departs from right outside the terminal building every 15 minutes. You can buy tickets on the ticket machine next to the bus stop or at the bus. From the bus stop Festplassen  it is a 3 min walk to the hotel.
  • Taxi (20 min). The the taxi stand is right outside the terminal building. Please note that the University of Bergen will only refund taxi expenses if public transport is inexpedient (for example due to late arrival).

The hotel Scandic Byparken is located in the city centre, and close to the seminar venue. Read more about the hotell at: www.scandichotels.com/hotels/norway/bergen/scandic-byparken 

City Map