Research projects
Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments: The Case of Child Protection Services (2019-2023)
Funded by EEA and Norway Grants – Romania
Discretion and the Child’s Best Interests in Child Protection (2017-2023)
Funded by ERC Consolidator Grant
Cross-national Experiences of Foster Care (2020-2022)
Funded by Peder Sather Grant Program
The Acceptability of Child Protection Interventions: A Cross-Country Analysis (2017-2022)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway (FRIHUMSAM)
Barns medvirkning i Fylkesnemndenes beslutningsfatting (2020)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway (VAM-programme). PI: Marit Skivenes.
A comparative analysis of the Child Protection System in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania and Russia (2019 – 2020)
Funded by the Norwegian Ministry for Children and Families.
Citizens’ views of child protection and the state: Welfare state theory, values, and risk (2019 – 2020)
Funded by the Peder Sather Grant Program. PI: Jill Berrick and Marit Skivenes.
The Basis for Legitimate and Justified State Intervention in Families: USA and Norway (2018 – 2019)
Funded by the Peder Sather Grant Program. PI: Jill Berrick and Marit Skivenes.
Where is Home? Examining the Rights of Migrant and Non-Migrant Children in Norway (2018 – 2019)
Funded by the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Conducted by Olive Dwan, supervised by Marit Skivenes.
Mitt Liv Barnevern (2017 – 2019)
Pro Bono Research. PI: Marit Skivenes.
Adoption as a Child Welfare Measure (2016 – 2019)
Funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. PI: Marit Skivenes.
Legitimacy and Fallibility in Child Welfare Services (2010 – 2017)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway (VAM-programme). PI: Marit Skivenes.
Publications resulting from the projects can be found in the publication list.
Other projects
Utvalg for gjennomgang av barnevernssaker i Bergen kommune (2019 – 2020)
Evaluation committee, appointed by the City Government of Bergen. Contributors from the Centre: Marit Skivenes and Hege Stein Helland.