Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism Bergen

Sveinung Hellesen Nygård

Sveinung H. Nygård worked as a researcher until 2019, but is no longer employed at the DIPA-centre.

Sveinung Hellesen Nygård



Sveinung Nygård is Cand.psychol. and a specialist in child and adolescent psychology. He has more than 12 year of clinical experience in the field.

Sveinung has previously functioned as an expert in child protection cases. Beside the position as researcher (20 %), he works as a Psychologist at the Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat).

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Link to CRIStin

Specialist in child and adolescent psychology (Norwegian Psychological Association)

Barnefaglig sakkyndig – Childcare expert (Norwegian Psychological Association)

Cand.Psychol. (University of Bergen)
*Equivalent to Master of Science in Clinical Psychology

Get to know Sveinung

What are you working on right now?

I’m currently working on a paper that investigates how the County social welfare board applies the concept of attachment in their decisions about forced adoption.

What is your background?

I am a clinical psychologist, and have specialized in work with children and adolescents. In addition to work in health care, I have also worked a lot with child welfare issues in various roles. Currently I’m employed by The Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, and work 20 % at the Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism.

What’s on your nightstand?

My nightstand is filled with books, ranging from work related texts and fiction, to popular science. Right now “Havlandet” by Per Anders Todal, a book about “the history of the oceans that created Norway” is receiving most attention.

If you had to choose a different field, what would it be?

Reading about maritime history has rekindled my fascination for the sea. I think I could be happy as a marine biologist, immersed in the study of fish eggs on a far away island. I also find law fascinating, so maybe maritime law would have been ideal? A real effort to better the condition in the world’s oceans sure is long overdue.

Which podcast are you listening to right now and why?

I have listened to “Opening arguments” for a while now, a show about American law. And their sessions with news form “Yodel mountain” is priceless. Also Melvyn Bragg and his guests in “In our time” is a treasure chest of enlightened conversation. They have been at it for over 20 years and there is over 800 episodes to choose from on a wide range of topics.

Updated Winter 2018-2019