Florian Wingens worked as a research assistant until 2020, but is no longer employed at the DIPA-centre.

Florian Wingens
Research Assistant
[scp_theme_icon theme_icon=”icon-black-back-closed-envelope-shape” alignment=”center”]Florian is a research assistant at the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism. He holds an M.Phil. in Administration and Organization theory from the University of Bergen, and a Bachelor in Political Science from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
During his studies, he worked as a seminar leader for bachelors’ students at a course in EU and International organizations. Florian has also been engaged at Kvarteret (Students Culture Centre in Bergen) as responsible for finances and volunteer coordination, and as an intern at Children for a Better World e.V.
Wingens, Florian (2018) Legitimation Processes of environmental NGOs [Master thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen.
M.Phil. in Administration and Organization theory (University of Bergen)
Bachelor in Political Science (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Get to know Florian
What is your background?
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University in Munich with a Minor in Law. During my Bachelors, I got the opportunity to study two semesters here in Bergen as part of the ERASMUS exchange program. After finishing my degree in Munich, I came back to Bergen to take a Master in Public Administration.
Can you describe your office space?
I am sharing an office with Katre Luhamaa and we enjoy a beutiful view on Fløyen and Ulriken. The bookshelf behind my desk stacks more coffee and snacks than actual books and my desk could of course be tidier.
If you had to choose a different field, what would it be?
Psychology as a research discipline has always fascinated me, especially the field of political and behavioural psychology. In my Master’s thesis, I did research on legitimation processes of NGOs. These processes are shaped by validity judgments at both the collective and individual level and have in recent years gained attention from a psychological research perspective as well.
What do you like most about your job? And what do you like the least?
I like most how well I am included in the various tasks at the center. Obviously, as a research assistant I have a few tasks which just need to get done but at the same time I get to take ownership of various projects through co-authorship or joining conferences and workshops. This is a great experience that I wouldn’t have expected when I started.
Which podcast are you listening to right now and why?
I am following the German podcast Die Lage der Nation (State of the nation). It is a weekly podcast where a journalist and a judge discuss what has happened in Germany, Europe, and internationally. As a German living in Norway the podcast helps me staying in the loop of relevant public debates back home.
Updated January 2020