Daniel Nygård
Research coordinator
[scp_theme_icon theme_icon=”icon-black-back-closed-envelope-shape” alignment=”center”]Daniel is the research coordinator at Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism, and holds an M.Phil. in Public Administration and Organization theory. Daniel’s fields of of activity include Research administration, Research communications, Organizational development and PI support.
Daniel has previously worked as a researcher, research assistant and seminar leader for undergraduate courses in organization theory. He has also worked as a journalist, communication consultant and as an adviser on online learning.
Master of Public Administration and Organizational Theory (University of Bergen)
Bachelor of Rhetoric (University of Bergen)
Bachelor of Public Administration and Organizational Theory (University of Bergen)
Nygård, Daniel & Hogne Sataøen (2018). “Omdømmehåndtering i høyere utdanning: Argumentasjon og selvfremstilling i studiekataloger” [Reputation management in higher education]. Nordiske organisasjonsstudier 1:2018.
Nygård, Daniel (2017). Den utmerkede utdanningsinstitusjon. En fler-casestudie av omdømmehåndtering i den norske universitets- og høyskolesektoren. [The outstanding University. A case study of branding i the Norwegian higher education sector.] Master thesis, University of Bergen. Go to publication
Get to know Daniel
What does a typical day for you look like?
My work day is very dependent on what is going on at the Centre that particular week. In some periods I focus my attention towards coordinating an application processes for a new research projects. In other periods I might be planning a big event that we are hosting. However, I always try to put aside some time in the morning to read email and get an overview of whats going on at the Centre.
Can you describe your office space?
My office is a very nice one, with a large window and an old entrance door that is actually listed as protected due to its historical value. However, I think it fair to say that there is room for improvements when it comes to keeping the office neat and tidy…
What is your background?
I have a Master’s degree in public administration and political science. Although I did not focus on discretion, paternalism and the welfare state, I think this background is very useful as the research coordinator at our Centre.
I posses the basic social science knowledge needed to understand the topics that our researchers are working with. And the competence in organization and administration this education provides is off course valuable when coordinating several large projects and developing our organization.
If you had to choose a different field, what would it be?
There are so many interesting topics to study! I have a bachelors degree in rhetoric, and I would definitely like to dig deeper into the study of communication if I had the opportunity. Psychology and sociology are also disciplines that I think I would have enjoyed. But overall, I am quite satisfied with the decision I took 10 years ago to study political science.
Which podcast are you listening to right now and why?
I am hoping to run my first full-marathon in 2020. Since I don’t have the time to exercise as much as I would like to, I hope to compensate by listening to podcasts about running. Two of my favorites are the Norwegian podcast “I det lange løp”, and the Swedish “Maratonlabbet”. In addition, I also enjoy the political podcast “Aftenpodden”.
Updated Winter 2019-20